Monday, March 9, 2009

Random Act of Self Indulgence .09

If you have any Xbox/Playstation kids in the house, you may know of the game, The Prince of Persia. Son K has it, but I know nothing about it, so I can’t help you there.

But, I caught wind of the fact that director Mike Newell (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) is helming a film version of the story, and Jake Gyllenhaal is in the starring role. I thought, Oh, that’s nice, until I saw some photos from the film set.

Um, I’ll just say that, if the rating is right, moms everywhere may be flocking to the theater with their kids in tow. (It comes out in 2010.)

(That’s girlfriend Reese Witherspoon's hand he's holding.)

Over to Huffington Post for the candlelit photos.

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